動作確認済みです。ほぼ使ってないので傷ないです。本体、タッチペン、箱、説明書類、保証書、シール、ARカード、マップ、充電器付属。2DS Pokemon BlueThe operation has been checked.It has not been used for a long time, so there are no scratches.Comes with the device, stylus, box, manual, warranty card, stickers, AR card, maps, and charger.
動作確認済みです。ほぼ使ってないので傷ないです。本体、タッチペン、箱、説明書類、保証書、シール、ARカード、マップ、充電器付属。2DS Pokemon BlueThe operation has been checked.It has not been used for a long time, so there are no scratches.Comes with the device, stylus, box, manual, warranty card, stickers, AR card, maps, and charger.
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